Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Recipe Filing System

... it makes sense to me! I find most of my new recipes on the internet from sites like, the food network's website, or other food blogs like I hate wasting paper if I don't have to, so instead of printing out the recipes I jot them down on a post it. The ingredients and some basic instructions are usually enough for me, and I've created a kind of shorthand for recipes so they'll fit on that little piece of paper. The best part about this though, is that I can stick the post it on my cupboards right above my kitchen counter!

So the recipe is right in front of my face, not taking up any precious counter space. I don't have to worry about splashing oil or flour on it and if I make any changes I like I can note them right there.

Recipes I like that I will want to make again get stuck on the inside of my spice cabinet. They're roughly organized into categories of sweets, breakfast, entres and etc. Some of most used and favorite recipes in there are for pancakes, mac and cheese, and cranberry sauce. I'm sure those recipes will all be on here someday.

It's a system that works for me!

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